Submitting Jobs

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Jobs can be submitted using bsub command. For more information on bsub , go to bsub You can also check Running jobs for more detail.

Some example:

1. bsub -Is -gpu - bash

This command will submit an interactive job to gpu queue and creates a pseudo-terminal with shell mode when the job starts. Also, it will provide you the jobid.

for example

[bhatiag@ds-lg-01 ~]$ bsub -Is -gpu - bash
Job <5972> is submitted to queue <gpu>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on ds-cmgpu-05>>

2. bsub -gpu - scriptname

It will submit the script to gpu queue

for example

[bhatiag@ds-lg-01 ~]$ bsub -gpu -
Job <5978> is submitted to queue <gpu>.

3. bsub -gpu "num=2:mode=shared:mps=yes" – scriptname

It will set the properties of gpu resources required by the job

for example

[bhatiag@ds-lg-01 ~]$ bsub -gpu "num=2:mode=shared:mps=yes" –
Job <5979> is submitted to queue <gpu>.

You can check the job status using bjobs