Requesting access
Request access to DeepSense
If you belong to an approved DeepSense project but do not yet have an account then send an email to ( with the subject "DeepSense Account Request". We use the computer science IDs (CSID) to access the platform. Depending on your affiliation, we require the following information:
- For each CS student:
- Name
- E-mail address
- For each Dal employee without CSID:
- Name
- E-mail address
- Banner number
- Preferred login
- For each outside (non-Dal) user:
- Name
- E-mail address
- Preferred login
- Operating system/level of the computer they intend to use
- If they need Dal wireless account
Change your password
If we created a CSID for you, then your initial password is your BannerID (Dal users). For non-Dal users, we will let you know your initial password. Please change it immediately upon receiving access to DeepSense.
You can change your password at
Alternatively, you can contact to reset your password.
Logging on
For information on connecting to the DeepSense platform see Accessing Systems.