Installing local software

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You are welcome to install software locally in your home directory. This allows you to use specific versions of software instead of the cluster wide versions. For example you may need an older version of a specific package or a newly released version that isn't yet installed on DeepSense.

For assistance installing or compiling software contact Technical Support

If your project has specific software you want to share between members then we can create a shared directory for your group in /software/<project>

Installing Anaconda Python in your home directory

Stop using systemwide anaconda

If you added the system anaconda environment to your .bashrc file then remove the line:

. /opt/anaconda2/etc/profile.d/

Installing Anaconda with a python2 base

From your home directory run:

source ~/.bashrc

Adding a python3 environment

The previous instruction creates a python2 base environment. To add a python3 environment:

conda create -n py36 python=3.6

Activate this environment to use python3:

conda activate py36

Adding a python2 environment

We recommend creating a separate python2 environment from the base environment. This makes it easier to install the specific packages required for IBM PowerAI.

conda create -n py27 python=2.7

Activate this environment to use python2:

conda activate py27

Install PowerAI dependencies

Warning: these scripts will install, update, and downgrade some packages to the recommended packages for the current version of PowerAI. You may want to create a separate python environment to use different versions of those packages with other software.

To use Tensorflow first install the Tensorflow dependencies:


To use PyTorch first install the PyTorch dependencies:


The dependencies must be installed in whichever python environment you intend to use. We've encountered some problems installing the PyTorch dependencies directly in the base environment if the base conda environment has been updated to conda version 4.6.2. If you want to use PyTorch, be sure to use a conda environment with a lower version of conda.

Testing Deep Learning packages on the login nodes

If you attempt to run the deep learning software like PowerAI on the login nodes or CPU-only nodes then you will see errors like the following:

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You need to load the GPU drivers with the following command:

source /opt/DL/cudnn/bin/cudnn-activate

Note that some deep learning software may be much slower or refuse to run without GPU access. Tensorflow works but Caffe does not.