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Compute Resources
Compute Hosts # Memory CPU GPU Interconnect Operation System
Large Memory 20 512GB 20 Core IBM Power8 2.8GHz (ds-cmlm-01,...,ds-cmlm-20) N/A Mellanox SN 2700 –100GB Cluster Interconnect Switch Redhat Enterprise 7.7
Huge Memory 2 1TB 20 Core IBM Power8 3.4GHz (ds-cmhm-03,ds-cmhm-04) N/A Mellanox SN 2700 –100GB Cluster Interconnect Switch Redhat Enterprise 7.7
GPU 10 512GB 20 Core IBM Power8NVL 4.0GHz (ds-cmgpu-01,...,ds-cmgpu-10) 2xP100 Mellanox SN 2700 –100GB Cluster Interconnect Switch Redhat Enterprise 7.7

Largest LSF job that can be hosted on a "512GB" node is 450GB, i.e. bsub -R "rusage[mem=450GB]". Largest job that can be hosted on a "1TB" node is 960GB, i.e. bsub -R "rusage[mem=960GB]".

Storage Resources
Name Location Quota Function
Home /dshome 1Tb Personal scripts/code/test data
Scratch /scratch 2Tb Temporary space
Data /data 2Tb Project group data

See Storage policies for more information about the available shared file systems, storage policies, and backup policies.